Vegan Stuffed Peppers

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Vegan Stuffed Peppers

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Go meatless for a meal! Sweet Bee Bell Peppers serve as a great option for a container for your food. Try this vegan stuffed pepper recipe and have a novel way to serve dinner to your family and friends.

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What you’ll need:
3/4 cup brown rice
2/3 cup pureed tomato
2 tablespoons of olive oil
2 onions, diced
carrots, diced
zucchini, cubed
Salt and pepper, to taste
Sliced chilis, to taste
Sweet Bee Capsicums

1. Cut off the top of the capsicums and scoop out the seeds inside
2. Prepare the brown rice
3. Fry the onions for 2-3 minutes in olive oil until soft, then add the carrots and zucchini
4. Add the cooked brown rice, parsley, and tomato puree to the mixture from step 3
5. Season the mixture with salt, pepper, and chili to taste
6. Preheat the oven to 425 FF
7. Divide the mixture between the peppers evenly
8. Bake the capsicums from step 7 for 20-25 minutes
9. Ready to serve!

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